Smart Walls ®, whatever you do ...
please don't call it a block wall
“SMART WALLS®” is the Brand Name Service Mark registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The Trademark provides Exclusive Protection for the use of the Brand Name when associated with services that include the design & construction of outdoor walls, including highway barriers, outdoor noise, security and privacy barriers, and earth retaining barriers.
The current Owner of the Registered Trademark is JTE Inc.
Most outdoor wall’s pre-manufactured panels are made from concrete that requires a mold. With the SMART WALLS® Form System, you can create panels for all of the above wall types from the same set of molds, also known as "forms."
We refer to this modular set of molds/forms as the SMART WALLS® Form System.
The SMART WALLS®Form System can make many types of wall panels and many variations in size and finish of those wall panels.
The SMART WALLS® Form System can also be configured to produce accessory concrete components such as precast concrete coping and precast concrete traffic barriers, both of whch can be incorporated into the wall or barrier.
The SMART WALLS® Form System was originally conceived and patented under USPTO Patent # 5372349. The patent can be expanded upon given updates that have not been patented. The Trademark and Registration of the Trademark remain in full force.
The SMART WALLS® Form System and a License Agreement for the use of the Services/Trademark is being packaged For Sale by JTE Inc. to a qualified user.